Starlings at the Brighton pier

I had such a fun day with Fi and S in Brighton. S is down from Edinburgh and fancied a day with her uni girls at the seaside. We wandered through the lanes, mainly window shopping and looking at all the sparkly, shiny stuff. At sunset, we found ourselves on the seafront, where we watched the sun go down and the starlings dance in their thousands around the old pier. We raced down the pebbled beach to listen to the swish of the sea draining along the stones before the next wave. I played with my shutter speed and took far too many pictures. We ended the day with 2 for 1 cocktails and were joined by a guy S works with, but who lives in Brighton - he has the same birthday as me (I've never before met anyone else born on the 28th of December). Us gals shared a pizza on the train to London Bridge and we all got home before it snowed.


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