Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A quick trip into the city...

My favourite city ..my mum was born here and I've lived here or near here for most of my life. I adore Birmingham ... We've got some lovely architecture and quirky little parks dotted about ... My Dad was born not far from Birmingham but his area is referred to as The Black Country ...the name was given to this area back in the industrial revolution due to the foundries,coal mines and Steel mills in the area the pollution was VERY BLOODY HIGH ...it's not an official name as such but in the UK you just know the towns and area it covers .( unless you are stupid and useless at geography )
Now see you've all had a little lesson regardless if you wanted one or not ! Ha .
Anyway back to Birmingham .. This is the Selfridges building which is part of the Bull ring shopping centre. I like this building very much .. My mother is not keen.

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