
By OneClickAtATime

Our Little Miracle

The last few days passed by so fast and I couldn't believe that my husby and I transitioned from a young couple into full-fledged parents.

Two weeks ago, we welcomed our first-born, Elijah Zedd into this exciting world. I spent 26 hours in labour as the health practitioners needed to reposition him before delivery. The thought of endless labour is still fresh in my mind. After three shifts of midwives on duty, Zeddy finally came out.

We spent a week at the hospital for continuous monitoring of both me and Baby Zedd. Ours was assisted delivery (vacuum failed twice, thus, forceps was needed) and doctors said I had a difficult one. Recovery was challenging but I thank God for giving me the strength. I can't imagine how I surpassed that stage but I knew God was working on me and our little miracle.

Looking back, I thank God above all for the remarkable strength He provided. I thank my husband for being supportive all the way and for making me feel loved. I thank my family, relatives, friends, church brethren and loved ones who took time to look after us, shared prayers and well-wishes for our growing family.

We are on the next stage of our lives... life will never be the same.

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