Today's Special

By Connections


This lovely dog seems to be the official greeter at the paint store downtown. I don't know if Spot is his name, but it would be a perfect one for him! He roused himself to greet me, but quickly ascertained that I was focused on colors other than brown and white.

I can enjoy looking at paint chips (see extra) for hours. It's just as well I only had 20 minutes on my parking meter, limiting the quantity of samples I chose to take home. 

There are still three rooms in our house that have the same dull no-color walls as when we first moved in 14 years ago. I hope we can remedy that in the next year or two, although it's a daunting prospect to have to move all the furniture in our shared office into the guest bedroom, and then reverse the process! The upstairs bathroom is a less complex painting task, so that's likely to be the first subject of this slow transformation.

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