Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Fi & Si

Back blip from the wedding on Saturday.
Fi and I met on holiday in Orkney when we were about 10 and have stayed good friends ever since. She's had a tough few years and it's so good to see her properly happy again. She has just married Simon who was her first serious boyfriend before she went to uni but they split up because Edinburgh and Leeds were too far apart.
She now lives in Elgin and he lives in Canada!

Fi is slightly crazy and goes with whatever mad idea she comes up with! It was in a very remote location but she pulled it off. The wedding was in the mission hall (that looked like a cow shed) in Sanna Bay, Ardnamurchan and the reception was in Glenborrodale Castle. Most of us stayed in the castle too on Friday & Saturday night.

After my delayed flight and a 3 1/4 hour drive I arrived at the castle at 1am. Someone had kindly left 1 light on so I could get in and then I had to creep through the dark castle until I found my room and woke up my room mate who I'd never met before!
In the morning I got up for a run before she woke up and when she woke and I wasn't there she thought she'd dreamt me arriving!

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