Little shoes for little feet

I do love the small person who fits these shoes.
One of those days when your plans don't happen, but other things happen instead... Spent a chunk of the morning on a bench, chatting with a friend who lives on the streets here - he was telling me how one of the other homeless guys was found dead this week. So sad...found in a cave under a pile of rubbish. So undignified... It felt a good use of time to sit there and listen to Craig talk. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Having friends from all walks of's a privilege.
2) Weekly family time - today was beach picnic day (see extra for a bokeh sea!)...a mid-week treat to go straight from school to a beach...even just an hour like that revives me.
3) An email from a friend who leads 24-7 Prayer Switzerland! I love those wonderful, unexpected, messages - it's like receiving a gift!

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