Growing old disgracefully



Slept late after the party and a certain degree of overindulgence. So late in fact that the Professor and Very Small Sleepover Person has been up, washed, dressed, breakfasted and chewed the fat together for two hours before I surfaced. My sense of shame did not prevent me from slobbing around in my nightie till noon.

Got soaking wet picking blackcurrants. Think they will not be good picked in the rain, but some had begun to rot, so it was now or never. It's normally a job I love, but between swotting biting bugs, picking off slugs - uck - and getting swiped from behind by wet branches, I was disenchanted. The slugs have eaten so much spinach and fruit that I worry about their innards. I think that somewhere down there must be a sluggy earth closet, crowded out with moaning molluscs, clutching their middles and regretting how much fibre they've eaten. At least I hope so.

In the greenhouse, it is all terribly dry (well, it's hard to remember to water in this weather) and green. Lots of tomatoes, although who knows if or when they will ripen. Last year we were eating them by now. On the plus side, lots of things are germinating and developing fast in this humid weather and the flower garden is battered but unbowed
Sweet Williams don't seem to mind the rain at all - they are magnificent!
Left over birthday cake
Lovely phone call from my son and heir

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