
the shadow of the war machine as the pervasive perversions of capitalism oil the mechanisms of the eternal propaganda of the system of the undead; why fund the social contract or supply support to the needy when you can have shiny new toys and deadly fireworks to plunder the economies, destabilise the possibilities, of those others beyond the illusory borders placed upon the random mappings of the sphere? But watch the libraries close, social provision recede; see the powerless pay: it's the age of austerity but only for those further down the food chain as the wealthy continue to gorge themselves upon the fat of the land whilst entrenched conservatism continues to project the illusion and offer new opiates to distract us from the fundamental flaws in their latest design.

And in this last age of the vampires in the shadowing halls of power we bring dystopia: rough beasts upon the airwaves and the neverending evolution and funding of homemade threats; the widening of the wealth gap and the dilution of rights in the name of security. The barbarism of denial as armies mutate into the private sector, mercenaries mutate into security and society morphs into a black comedy as the final pause before the continuing tragedy bubbles to the surface or floats in the menacing former of a corpse upon the cold dark flood.

A broken system based upon a war economy; impossible to securely fund the safety net which is the social contract we each make with our government(s) but enough to renew the outmoded weaponry of a passed age: punitive upon the poor as the wealthy hide from their taxes; wealth enough to subsidise the, multi national, profit makers but not the refugees who are the sum of these policies.

The propaganda machine continues then; humanity in isolation, a fractured reality based upon the illusory wealth and abstractions of economics: a media machine set towards totalitarian extremes, an encouragement to fear the others, to believe that they wish to plunder the remnant wealth, to impose alien structures upon us and dismantle what departed generations built. We look around, find that it's already being dismantled for the benefits of the unaccountable few, protected by cronyism and the unelected bodies, the viral strains, aiding the design of a future for the few. In peace or war we're the fuel, the nameless statistics innumerate upon foreign fields fertilised with our blood and bones as equality becomes another anachronism under the continuing quest for new battlefields, new foes as the powers continue the great game and proles and pawns are indistinguishable upon the board...

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