Quarter to five

It suddenly felt a little Spring like in the garden this afternoon. Not the actual garden itself, that looks like a tinkers yard mainly thanks to the Very Naughty Puppy, but in the air. If I hadn't been all bad tempered a couple of days ago I would have told you we were at the mid point between midwinter and mid Spring. It all felt good. I celebrated with this crappy shot.

And the bad temper is no more, I gave myself a proper good talking to and am focussing on my PMA. I make no apologies for my recent blips though, obv a very useful thing to keep track of, bad moods!

Today has been mainly school based. Head interview prep for governor school, Will's parent consultation meeting and Daisy's GCSE options evening. All good and enjoyable, there is an interview plan, a new "getting Will to read more" plan (financially based) and Daisy's form is all complete and signed - turned out there was very little option about it in the end.

Friday tomorrow which will include an evening gin bar outing......

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