
By Croft16

Different Camera..

..I came round, he just returned from China, came to collect his post.. And bearing a few presents..
A bottle of wine, a chicken foot, and some foul smelling chinese white wine (42%!), a pair of overalls, and a data tracker!..
Data tracker is now in the polytunnel measuring temperature and humidity every 15 minutes.. That will be really useful..
Then down the croft with A's ATV and trailer, and moving ston from an old wall to the forecourt of the polytunnel (it will make sense when I get on a bit further and take some pics). Laid some drainage pipes and back filled with stone. Probably moved about 4 tonne of stone today, loading, and unloading.. Some were just fist sized, others could have weighed a couple of hundredweight (about 100 kg for those who don't remember!) Plenty more to move yet..
I got quite warm, so took my jacket off. It then started that drizley rain that gets you wet without noticing. I got soaked.
Camera club tonight, and loaning the community camera to H. So charging the battery up and checking it works. Tried to get a pic of Tanni, but the flash came on, and she moved between the pre-flash and the shot being taken.. Lousy composition (it was fine before she moved!), and lousy focus (it was fine before she moved!).. And it was a Canon..

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