Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Tulips to brighten the home

It's the weekend - dull skies and a bit drizzly, which is typical for a weekend! I treated myself to these tulips when I saw how dull and uninspiring it was outside today, and I am quite busy today so I thought this would be a quick photo but I ended up taking about 50 photos in different lighting conditions and positions and in the end I had to quickly upload one of them as I have so many other things to do.

Tonight is the annual music scholars' concert so we are going to hear Thomas perform - he says his piece is quite short but very difficult with some top notes that are quite hard to get (on a trumpet) but I am sure he will be fine. I always enjoy seeing the talent these young kids are capable of, and wonder where their music will take them. In the case of Adam, who used to be one of the best musicians at the school, he has not picked up his clarinet since his final scholars concert at the end of sixth form, which upsets me so much. He says he is too busy at university for music and I know that is true as his course is ridiculously demanding, but it still makes me sad as he is a very talented musician. He still plays the piano to relax so that is a good thing.


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