
By Bigdreamer

Team work

Today was a day of catching up with old mates,cooking and fun....
I had this wonderful idea to have a full cooking day with good friends and our combined 5 children ages range from 2-7...
I am a planner so I CAREFUL researched what I thought would be good for the kids we were entertaining. I decided on gnocchi and banana pudding with butterscotch sauce yum yum......let me just tell u in one word about the gnocchi MESS!!!
but the kids had fun squishing it and making it so was a success in their eyes
reality wasn't so kind it ended up a bit too soggy but they demolished it anyway
bannan pudding was in one word AWESOME, as most things loaded with sugar, chocolate and covered in butterscotch sauce are..

today for me was .......

bareable, fun..... maybe..... enjoyable yes kids said it was the best day of school holidays yet
so all worth while

now to start on the dishes

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