Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

Welcome Elliot Charles!

What should have been a home birth ended up in hospital :(

Went into the maternity ward yesterday to check his movements whilst I was having little contractions "it's fine" they said "you'll be home in no time" they strapped me up to a machine for an hour then informed me that I will not be going home and I'll be going up to the delivery ward as he hadn't moved but heart rate was fine...

Nothing happened until the next day (today)
11.30am my waters broke
11.35am I call Colin and get him out of bed (poor poppet)
12.45pm Colin arrives
1.30pm I go into labor
1.41pm Elliot is born
5.30pm I'm home cooking dinner!!!

I loved every second of my pregnancy and birth with Elliot, blooming good job, as we won't be having more :)

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