Avocado make more of these.

*Terrible title pun for Bulliblips & amandoAlentejo!*

Tostadas are one of my favourite food things about living here - for mere centimes you can buy a delicious toast with fresh tomato and topped with all manner of things - my favourite is with avocado...I was happy to be able to replicate it at home today - lightly toasted & olive oiled baguette...totally delicious!
Asha & I met up with Abby & her sister who's here for a few days - lovely to see them. Then home to make lemon and lavender cupcakes for Danny's return tomorrow (have added an extra of Asha sampling one!)...soooo tasty...pretty too with lemon zest grated on top of the butter icing. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Abby & Immy letting us crash their sister time.
2) Wonderful friends who get together and pray for us each month.
3) Good moments with Asha throughout the day - also LOVED that she loved the Buena Vista Social Club album!

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