Last years project

Trying to find some positives today, but as usual for a weekend, it ends up with none
Was elated earlier to be able to put on another pair of jeans and wear them without a belt to hold them up, I've obviously put on some weight. Had a better than normal sleep, woke to the shipping forecast and a cloudy sky, it's been frosty overnight, didn't do much today but when I think about it is was more than I usually do on a Saturday, not many garden birds about today, my ex neighbours cat appeared again, after a lengthy absence , scoffed the food I leave out in the entrance of the hedgehog nest box, then slept under the hedging near the bird table, waiting for another snack to appear no doubt.
I have an appointment to see the Tamborine man in a couple of weeks, have a list of questions that have remained unanswered for too long now, I shouldn't need to have to ask them, being straight and honest, no matter what is the best I've always thought, why have I been fobbed off with being ignored and differing opinions (note opinions, not diagnosis, I live with this condition 24/7 not just during the 10mins I get with consultants and other medical professionals, hence I have lost faith and respect, hope you understand that mr Tamborine man, I trusted you, you've been evasive and even tried to absolve yourself of any responsibility towards me in the first place, that doesn't answer my questions or leave me in a very good place, hence you've lost my respect and trust)

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