Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Swimming shoulders

I decided a while ago that dieting is not the way. I am in a bit of a maelstrom at the moment with stuff I don't want to clog here up with. We have officially entered the abyss. I feel like we are in a dark tunnel. At the end is the light but we have a few corners to go before we see it.

Anyway inspired by my friend I started swimming. I am on my fifth week of at least three times a week. Today I managed the time to go for over half an hour.

I am really seeing a difference. I am still soft and pudgy in most regions but I have definitely lost inches and my figure is changing.

Its weird to lose inches in one place and not in others. Normally when you lose weight it tends to be an overall feel. This feels more focused.

Anyway that muscle on my back. That was never as big before. There is a definite definition there.

At swimming today there were grown adults wearing water wings. Fair play to them but surely they cannot offer anything other than a feeling of security. All the public swimmers ended up in a tiny lane while the school swimmers were there. Slightly annoying as they do not publish this fact.

Two members in my family are really poorly. My uncle is literally on the verge of losing his big toe due to circulatory illness. My other uncles wife is in the QE with Steven Johnson syndrome. Hoping to go down and see my uncle tonight.

Overall I am feeling irritable.

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