Shattered Memories.

By Valtiel


Todays been good I saw Rosie and Bethan and had a good talk to josh which was nice.
He's in Orkney im kinda jealous. I miss being there to him. Its crazy with the lack of police, people driving around drunk and the beautiful vast deserted beaches me and Josh used to run up and down with his little sister. Climbing up cliffs and playing ninja's to amuse Hannah. Everything seemed easier then.

It's weird I feel really happy at the minute I just miss josh and I went swimming today for the first time. Ive always had a major fear of water because im freaked out there will be sharks (irrational I know) But today I faced my fear and hopefully will lose some weight. I actually kinda enjoyed it if im honest im going to start doing it twice a week. I need to lose weight so bad. I dont really know what else I can do to lose weight without being too extreme and I dont want to be.

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