A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Surprise brunch

We spent yesterday shopping at IKEA and then putting the study in the living room and the living room in the study. That means that my little guy was way too excited to go to bed and kept us company until close to 23:00, when I set J away because I knew otherwise, Olivier would never sleep. And Olivier woke up with a fever during the night. So we didn't sleep much and were both a bit grumpy when we got up. After a surprise morning nap, I took Olivier for a stroll because I thought that might help his stuffy nose and my migraine. Turns out, it was lunch time. So we had a lovely brunch at a nearby restaurant, just the two of us, and it felt really good!
Then we came home, he napped, I tried to regain control over the apartment (fail!), and my migraine completely took over.
(I couldn't choose. Here's Olivier waiting for food, charming the people sitting close by and being just his adorable self while explaining things to me.)

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