Wherever next?

By aime

Abel Tasman National Park

Catriona had recommend this 3 day walk but persuaded us to do it in 2 days so we could have a day relaxing when we finished. It is the sort of logic we understand, so we agreed to set off into the sunshine and the wilderness beyond. 
An early morning bus pick-up from our up-market hostel took us to Marahau where we had our early lunch. At 10 am we suspected that this should have been called breakfast, but Catriona knew that there weren't going to be any other stops in the day that we could call lunch so she swapped the meal timings around to avoid us feeling that we had missed out on something.
The road petered out at the café and the Abel Tasman track commenced. There was no option other than to start walking, so we set out. In fact we walked in the heat of the afternoon through lush forests on a wonderfully engineered path which gave regularl encouraging views of the coast line whilst keeping us predominantly in shade. It was a wonderful walk with enough variety to keep us amused throughout and we arrived at our destination (Anchorage) in good time. We were able to have a longish swim before our heavier bags arrived by water taxi and we hailed the ferryman who would take us to our floating bed for the night - Aqua Packers Catamaran moored in the bay. Another swim from the boat for Catriona and her dad, some rehydration and then a "wholesome meal" of varied salads and veggie bakes with BBQ sausages and burgers. We were so tired by 9.30 that we had an early night in our four bed dorm and some of us even managed to sleep.

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