What's the score?

Well in this case it is the family name scored crudely into a pew in a French church. Nobody sits in our pew!

But moving on, via a laboured pun, I have been thinking how to "score" Blip photos.

When I looked into how Blip determines the most popular pictures, it became clear that it is done purely on the number of hearts gained. That is fair enough and pretty transparent, but it is rather crude and it does not help me evaluate the reception of my own photos because hearts are few and far between. So, as a former number-crunching social scientist I have come up with an alternative measure.
I considered using the number of “views” but again this is rather crude. My own viewing figures range from 30 to 150 , almost randomly it seems, and people with a lot of followers probably get a lot of views almost automatically.
So I went for quality rather than quantity. Firstly I awarded a score of 1point for every star and 2 for every heart ( I calculated this on the basis of looking at the 25 current most popular pictures. The ratio of stars to hearts was approximately 2 to 1. So it seems a heart has twice the rarity value of a star) Each picture then has a total points value.
Then I calculated the ratio of views to points.
As an example let’s take a picture that has had 100 views and has gained 40 stars and 30 hearts. Total points = 40 + (30 x 2) = 100. Ratio of views to points = 100/100 = 1.That is, on average, it has required 1 view to generate each point..
As another example, let’s take a picture that had 400 views , 100 stars and 50 hearts. NB This has exceeded the first example in every way BUT Total points = 100 + (50 x 2) =200. That is, on average, each point has required 400/200 = two views. That means the second example has performed worse on my quality measure.
Thus, what I have the brass neck to christen the “Woodley Index” should be interpreted as “the lower the better”.
Among the current popular pics DelenaJane and Sefferdog come out top with a score of 1.2 . I am happy to get a 2.1 with my dam shot.

How are you doing? Have a go and let me know what you think!
a)     Scores on the WI can go up or down as each day dawns because the number of views/stars/hearts all change. So it’s a time specific score.

b)    There will be special factors at work eg DelenaJane was celebrating her 2000th Blip

c)     Sefferdog has already gone from the most popular page. I presume there are time limits.
Enough stats! Back to my Arts course!

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