A Few Milk Bottles

I am old enough to remember milk being delivered to our home in glass bottles.  I've collected a few of them over the years.  Each bottle in this photo has a significance to my life.  Left to right:  Moore's Dairy (our namesake but no relation), Spring Hill Dairy in Huntington, WV where I lived while teaching at Marshall University, Biltmore Dairy of the famous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, Southern Dairies where my Granddaddy Jones worked in Wilson, NC (my hometown), Silver Dairy, Canton, NC, a town in the county where I was president of the local community college and where our son lived as an adult, Giddings Dairy, Mt. Olive, NC where I had my first professional college job and my son graduated from the college there as an adult 50 years after my working there, Wayne Dairy, the county where we lived for 8 years in Goldsboro, NC, and Hand Dairy, Chadbourn, NC where were lived for 14 years while our children were in elementary and high school.

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