Suits You

The usual Wednesday of WFH with only the briefest pause for lunch. Aye. Though in that brief spell I managed to meet up with the son (amazingly back from Manchester, as if by magic) who has offered to scrape barnacles, yes, yes, off my bottom.
Anyway, a beezer evening out at the Traverse to see 'The Tailor of Inverness', a one man play by Matthew Zajac about how his father came from Eastern Poland during the war to end up in Inverness as a tailor. Brilliant fiddle accompaniment by Gavin Marwick and some lovely touches of dance and flashbacks. A story of every Pole rather just his father at times. I was particularly taken with his arrival in Teheran and onward journey to North Africa and back to the British base at Cairo - around the same time as my Dad made the same journey. Well, well.
Back for a fish supper! And no Diggers! Did that really happen?
Someone slap me.

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