Home is My Best Mate…Home from The Hills

Wellington has lots of hills but I admit that The Boss probably didn’t have any time to go up them this visit but I was pleased to see him “sorta” ‘Cos The Bossess was brill and we went out at Sparrows Flatulence (yes they apparently do but you need super dog hearing to detect it) for a grrreat walk in the morning light. If she does it again tomoro I will insist The Boss Blips it.
That is home down there and the big lake is Wanaka. Right after this shot the plane, an Airbus A320 slipped into cloud and ten minutes later there we were with a large mountain out the window and Lake Wakatipu below thanks to the wonder of a wonderful navigation system called RMP that allows this stuff to happen. RMP (regional mapping with Pooches) is a system where several dogs are strategically placed to sniff out the flight path. No they don’t use Wheatens and I am grossly offended.

The Boss took some video with his iPhone and may put it into a movie later so stay tuned. 
Thanks to TT for enduring Wellington from the Bossess Pak.


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