All of Fox's happiness

   All of Fox's
happiness was
bound to the 
light of Star.
If ever there was a book to show that there is nothing like a 'real' book, it is this one - The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith. Created by a designer, every page is a delight. Using minimal colour, the illustrations are both decorative and an integral part of the story. Very William Morris I think. Each page has been designed with utmost care. The book is clothbound and has pages of beautiful paper - it feels right.
It was Waterstone's Book of 2015 and was around in their shops at Christmas. But I wonder how many people just walked past it, dismissing it as a children's book. It is a book for everyone - a fable kind of story with themes of loss, grief, loneliness and being brave. Wonderful!

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