My Angle

By myangle

Christmas Beetle

Ever since I was a kid growing up in South Africa I have known these as Christmas Beetles. When I moved to Australia I was delighted to see that they can be found here too. I am not sure what their real name is but around this time of the year they come out in their thousands, usually at night. They just hang around lights like all good insects. It is not unusual to get bombarded by them as you try and get in the house after dark, usually bringing in a few hitch hikers attached to your clothes.

Anyway, they stick around for a few weeks and then disappear back to where they came from for another year.

I like them because they sort of herald the start of the festive season, possibly a little early this year but still welcome.

Santa actually stopped by here on the weekend and dropped off a few prezzies for Jo. He must be busy because I had to wrap them myself. I didn't see anything for me so I am going to assume that he will be back another day, possibly with a sturdier sleigh to carry the load.

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