Return to the North

By Viking

An apple a day...

keeps the doctor away. Well in my case it doesn't keep the nurse practitioner away very much. I had to go up yesterday for a review of my 'case' which meant me negotiating which medication to go on and which not, among other things. Not really getting the hang of this paying to see the doctor malarky I forgot to take my purse so this morning I decided to take in the hospital as part of my daily 5km walk. Killing two birds with one stone, getting exercise and paying my debts. When I was walking it was bitterly cold and very foggy (obviously before the 11am lift!!!)
This afternoon has been glorious, but not fancying another 5km walk I stayed in, in front of the fire, reading mush. Love it, holidays aaaaahhhhh!
Did get to this evening and realized I didn't have a blip so decided to work on a still life. Nothing more still life than the humble apple , or should that be crumble apple? hmmmmm apple crumble, what I wouldn't do for apple crumble! Instead this yummy crunchy was soon to disappear uncrumbled

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