
By colibaby

Good Day Sunshine!

In the usual mad dash of the morning, at 7.20am all I noticed was that I'd had to scrape the windscreen and it seemed quite a bit lighter than the same time yesterday and by the time I'd chased Ms H's bus, had my swim, and parked again I still hadn't particularly noticed the weather, apart from that a hat was necessary for my sleepwalk from car to work. 

So when I left work at 1.30pm, either I'd just woken up, or the day had become delightful.

Back home to light the fire and have a late lunch - but before doing either of these I thought I'd better take advantage of the lovely day in case it changed (it had been raining on my drive home) so a wee walk, up the back, was taken. For the past couple of months this burn has been a raging torrent (which I should have taken pictures of, but the weather was always too horrible on those days), today it was looking more peaceful and reflective (haha). I also met a curious cow on my stroll, but she wouldn't hang about for me to get her steamy breath in the picture.

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