
By Torag

I'm not crossing that bridge

I was out in Dunoon this morning and as I had Cooper with me I decided to try a new walk. So headed up to the Ardnadam Heritage Trail where I came across this bridge. It was not in great condition so I pathetically decided not to attempt to cross it. Cooper on the other hand decided to just head into the water to get to the other side. If my wellies were on I may have followed but I persuaded him to turn around and we headed for Glenkin instead.
Once Cooper was deposited back at home (to dry off), I headed over to our village hall where a meeting was being held to work out a business plan to establish a new community hub. It's all very ambitious but very exciting if it gets the go-ahead.
I have spent the rest of the day preparing an indian buffet for a family gathering over the weekend.  Needless to say tonights dinner was a sample of everything. Yum.

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