Love Hearts

This would probably be more appropriate for Sunday but I couldn't resist!
And they haven't been eaten yet so they may well make another appearance.
Judging by Mr K's Valentine's Day failures over the last few years (no cards, no flowers, no chocolates....... Nothing apart from tank of fuel!! Although to be fair having my car filled does make me very happy!!!!) I'm not hopeful that there'll be anything more appropriate to Blip!
I went round to Mrs A's lovely house for tea and a chat this morning. We talked a lot about Miss E and school and schools in general. So much to think about!!
Home for an afternoon of looking at still life paintings of dead fish. I've got to sketch a couple of them which I'll be completely rubbish at it. That should make a funny Blip when they're done!
We gave Miss L her pink ukulele last night. It was left next door on her birthday and we got back too late to collect it. 
With hindsight it was a mistake to let her have it twenty minutes before bed!!! She LOVES it!!
She took it to school today to show everyone!
Poor Miss E was so jealous and alternating between trying really hard not to be and grabbing it off Miss L and insisting on "teaching" her to play it. Ukulele expert that she is!
In the end she was in floods of tears saying she wanted one and she knew she was being silly but she felt so left out and jealous!
On the one hand I was cross and on the other I was pleased she was articulating her emotions!! 
She has money accumulated from marble money and pocket money from Grandad so I asked did she want to buy her own ukulele?
It's on its way!!!

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