
By Miffy


........in the Park
 This is a popular summer event with a mix of opera and light music. It’s a family picnic time with a happy atmosphere and enjoyed by several thousand attendees ranging from the very young to the elderly.  
The ‘Orchestra Wellington’ flies in each year and this year the opera singers were Anna Leese and Jared Holt. Dave Dobbin, the Modern Maori Quartet, Jackie Clark and the jubilation choir also performed.
Fireworks are set to orchestral music to provide the grand finale. It’s certainly a fitting end to a fantastic and popular event. 
The extra photo shows the outdoor stage aglow with lights once the sun sets for the day.
It’s now past midnight and I’m off to bed – I will catch up with your journals tomorrow evening as tomorrow is going to be another busy day.
Thank you for all the comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s blip. The light on the petals was quite magical.

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