One lens, no dog

I've had a lovely quiet day at home. After nurturing my sourdough starter all week, I used it to make bread. The dough is proving idea if it will work, but if it doesn't , I shall try again. It was one of the things I wanted to learn to do in 2016.
This afternoon, while D was entertaining Jess in the garden, I went off on a walk on my own. I took only my portrait lens, and set myself the challenge of pretending I had one roll of black and white film in the camera. I've been converting a lot of my digital images to mono recently, but wanted today to try and see in black and white. It was rather an overcast afternoon, so I did have to use Ps a bit, dodging and burning here and there.
I can see where this is heading....another month, and better light, and I shall do it for real :-)

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