
Been a sh*t few days with the snow and the same few kids picking on Kade to the point of him screaming in my front door/hall way for them to stop pelting him with snow and them still throwing it and me having to then shovel out my front hall! After the 3rd time of the older kids heaping the snow on a screaming Kade, I just brought him in.

The original bully 'P' has been slowly building up his picking on Kade too. 3 times over the weekend he thumped him. And his friend an older girl 'V' had a go at Kade too so I was on the phone to my housing officer this morning who said he will be in touch with them to hear thier side of the story.

They're getting sly in that they are getting thier friends to hit him, so that they arent getting into trouble.

My vertigo has been behaving this weekend and I have felt great today! Will come off the tablets in the next few days if I am still ok to see what happens.

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