Cairo Coffee

Most of our bags are packed. Dd is taking multi-tasking to a new height by back-blipping and packing at the same time. I've put most of our possessions into our lockable cupboards for safe keeping until we return in six weeks. I've also put a load of sheets, pillow slips, blankets and scarves into the laundry for collection in April. The bowab-doorman has his selection of goodies from the fridge and food cupboards to keep him going including some Scottish mince pies. The parquet repair man has been in and says he'll be back on Saturday to start the ten day job to replace the parquet floor - the original cannot be saved from the flood damage this month. And I have permission to slip out and have a farewell coffee at my relocated coffee place, Cilantro. The weather has turned and spring, if not summer, is in the air. I'm down from five layers of clothing to two and sitting for the first time on the terrace. Goodness knows if this will be possible when the temperature heads into the high thirties, but it's very pleasant for now. Off to the airport in an hour.

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