Watch out Cat's about

By CatsCorner101

Blue sky in mono

Seems a shame really to capture a rare scene of cloudless blue sky in B+W. But this week for #ayearwithmycamera I'm going to try and do a mono blip everyday. 
Apart from that it sums up my mood at the moment as 2 childhood friends are facing major health issues with the "Big C". 
One has had to decide to have a double mastectomy and a hysterectomy over the coming months, to reduce her chances of cancer after it was discovered she has the BRAC2 gene.
The other had major surgery before Christmas and now faces 18 weeks of aggressive chemo followed by 5 weeks of radiotherapy.
Both of these strong and brave women are in my prayers and out of respect for them I'm not posting this on FB. 
I just needed somewhere safe to express my feelings. It's just as well my CPN is coming this week, I need to talk................ the anxiety levels are rising and the urge to SH is increasing. 
I can only occupy myself with crochet for so long. And yes I know God is love etc but sometimes life just plains sucks!!

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