Domingo de Ybarrondo

Whether he was an immigrant or not, I'm not sure, on the current state of my research. But it seems he was a pretty successful guy, who in 1899 was given the job of winding up The Liverpool Meter Company Limited and forming "a new Company, to be called by the name of the Street Lighting Company Limited, or such other name as the Liquidators may determine."

He lived from 1843 to 1909 and this grave stone is in the churchyard at St Austin's.

His legacy lives on, however, in a slightly different guise. His name is used by Liverpool born author Clive Barker as that of a clown in a book called "The Adventures of Mr. Maximillian Bacchus and His Travelling Circus" which I've just found out can be had for £3.84 on the kindle. Rude not to, really.

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