
By DawnAgain

Not a rook

The boys and I paid Mum and Dad a visit this afternoon and had a very enjoyable catch-up - with cake! I took my camera along in the hope that the rooks would turn up for a photo session. Unfortunately (as is usually the case when I stalk them) they failed to show. The jackdaws made an appearance, which was the next best thing, but by this time it was too dark to be taking pictures through the window really. However, here's one of them tucking into some bread. I have a soft spot for jackdaws, having been raised with them. Well, we rescued two orphaned ones during my childhood and raised them in a rabbit hutch on a diet of Weetabix.  

We had to leave fairly quickly as Basil was starting to yelp for his dinner. He's been really whingy today, for some reason, and although he wolfed down his dinner and then went into a deep sleep on the sofa straight afterwards, he's since been whining again and asking to go outside. I wonder if he might have a gippy tummy or something. Anyway, he's asleep on the sofa again now so I'm going to join him for the X-Files and, hopefully, he'll be so tired that when we go to bed he'll sleep through. He's one high maintenance hound these days! But he's my high maintenance hound :)

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