Deck Chair and Door

To infinity...and beyond! - Buzz Lightyear

If you have enough to worry about, skip the rest of this comment. We are due for a solar flare sometime in the spring of 2013 that potentially has the ability to wreak complete devastation on our wireless world, even ruin our power grids by inducing overload currents in transformers, relays, etc. The solar storm of 1859 caused blood-red auroras as far south as the equator. In those days, there was no internet, but telegraph operators were zapped into unconsciousness. These storms, associated with sunspot activity and flares, occur about every 100 years. The last big one was in 1921. Do the math. Then ask yourself how you will be able to live without power. No gas pumps, no refrigeration, no VISA cards, no internet, no TV or radio (not even ham operators, because the atmosphere will be electromagnetically polluted for a while).

Oh, and no blip.

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