
I was taking my time getting ready this morning when I received a text from Sian...she was having a coffee at the Lowry and t'was a shame a couldn't join her. 'Flippin' work', I thought, it always gets in the way of playing out! Sian then went on to say that she could see people taking pics of the car from the latest Bond movie. Well there was no way I was going to miss out on the chance of a pic!

I rushed round like a lunatic getting ready and sent a text to Sian saying I was on my way. "Drive carefully....Just a grey car remember!!!" It may be a grey car, but it is a photo I needed to get ha ha ha. Fortunately, it was on my way to work and I had time to whizz in and out of traffic, get to the Lowry, race over to take pics of the car and then get into town in time to drive the mini bus. 

It was a late finish tonight and I am shattered, but I'm off tomorrow...YAY!

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