So it went like

this a few days ago, our son sent a message from Aussie, well at last a good team in Wanaka, I said ... eh ? what going on... he said the tars are in Wanaka... I said who.. the Waratahs (Rugby Team Australian )are in Wanaka.. oh are thy why .... they are playing the Highlanders on Saturday at Queenstown.. oh said I didn't know, I must live under a rock.

Sooo this morning I went off for coffee to catch up with some photographic friends I walked into the café, poked my friend in the back, said hi., looked at our usual table to see if T from tussocktail was in, cycleingranny was there but at another table, doing a double take the Waratahs were sitting at our table I was so shocked, didn't  expect to see them here.
I ordered my coffee and joined the rest of my group, I said my son a huge fan, I should get their photo, but I am a bit chicken when it come down to this sort of thing any way plucked up courage and asked if I could take their photo thy agreed so off to the car for the camera sooo glad I had it with me.
After a couple of shot I thanked them, a short while later my friend said should get their autographs... god no bad enough getting a photo, but then it our son birthday soon and I bit the bullet and asked if thy would nt mind our son being a great fan, thy again agreed, so off to find some paper,on my way back to their table 3 of the lads were waiting to make their order, how tall are these guys I need a chair to stand on thy are so nice, signatures in hand carful placed in my bag I got home had a spare frame and tomorrow it will be in the post,. The extra signatures.
I got home and message our son, his response was ,,,, What no way he was delighted.  By the Way thank you all for the lovely hearts and stars .

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