Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

No horses...

I suspect even the horses don't like the potholes on this public road!  

In other news…

Beware changing your hard earned cash (in my case, pension) for foreign currency at Co-op Travel, a company within the Thomas Cook group of companies (65% owned).

MrsDB ordered a quantity of holiday money on Tuesday at Co-op Travel. On collecting it today she was asked for £40 more than the generally agreed tourist rates on most websites that we'd checked. I used OANDA. 

I rang the shop - not unsurprisingly on an 0844 number. I was told we should have ordered it on-line and collected it at the shop and saved ourselves the £40. 

Upon asking what difference it made I was unable to get a reasonable explanation. I said I wanted my money back and I would return the currency in the next 30 minutes.

Surprise, surprise; they said it would go through as an 'administrative error' and that I'd get a £41 refund.

I smell a rat….

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