Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


So today was officially my last day (last day with the kids was last Friday) as I helped tidy up and collected the rest of my belongings. Today also saw 3 applicants mingle with us as the department look for my replacement.
Sad to be leaving as I feel some sort if detactment having got on so well with "the gang" over the last six and a half years. I'm very grateful they have let me become a "little more than a walking toolbox" by spending a lot if time helping kids progress with their work. Although there have been many occasions where I have felt more like a walking pencil case as I don't recall being in another job where I given out more pens than I have ever bought!! And I ain't talking about students forgetting the bare essentials either

The Blip? These essentials were always on me during my time as a technician and will continue to do so in my new job, as a technician again, on Monday. A bit geeky I know, but having these items on me simply make my job almost a piece of cake. Students have often stood back in amazement in the past when I simply pull out a glue stick from my top pocket when their glue gun has run empty. Or in most (annoying) cases a feckin pen. As for the rest, you can probably work out for yourselves.

After saying an emotional goodbye to E, I headed off to the hospital to pick up Mrs Tuttle so she could catch her train to London. Then now ex work colleague J kindly treated me to a fairwell lunch at the Trooper. We had a great chat and concluded that we do the same again very soon.

Been a tiring week and I imagine next week will only bring more tiredness.

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