things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic

Make the most of it...

When it is sunny, make the most of the weather & put of things that can be done when it's raining and grey. That's what I did today. Another early start and I was at Old Moor by 8am. I need another go at a few scenic photos of the reserve as yesterday when I had a go, I suffered from wonky horizons...I fared a little better today but it's work in progress....The things is, I'm not entirely sure how I get them to be so wonky....

After that, I waited for a bit to see if I'd be lucky again and spot a bearded tit or two, and I did! They are such stunning birds, this one is a male.

On my way home I called in at a localish sewage works (very glam location complete with designer whiff...) to try to spot the firecrest that has been there for a few weeks. It's flitting around in a flock that includes several goldcrests, blue tits and long tailed tits. This was one of hte first photos I took here today. I was actually just checking to see if it was a goldcrest as I'd forgotten my bins and the light was not good. I was amazed to see it was the firecrest! I watched it for a bit & then went to fetch all the other birdwatchers in different locations to tell them where it was... another great day! Must do some work tomorrow...

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