Adult colouring

.........for children!!!

Today we were on Emily sitting duty again.
After a late..ish nightlast night, at the quiz, which we didn't place in, again :-/ hub didn't sleep too well. I think our brains are too switched on and need an hour or two to relax and unwind before we can sleep ;-)

Anyhow we were up and out to collect Emily from her friends, as she had had a sleepover.
We also called at daughters to collect a couple of things that would keep Emily occupied during lunch, as we were going over to meet youngest and then all go out for lunch...he's going stir crazy at home. A bit of good news though, his vision has improved...not back to how it was, but at least a step in the right direction. Hospital again next week.

We went back to youngests house for a quick cuppa before driving back to our house.

Emily took a shine to my adult colouring books and decided she would like to try one ;-)
She ended up doing two, and taking home the only one I've managed to complete since getting them at Christmas, as well!

I'd been so busy today, back and forth, that I had almost forgotton to get a blip, until we were just gathering up all Emily's "stuff" to take her home! I do love her in this little leopard fur headband, ear muff thingy!
At first she wouldn't let me take a photo, she kept hiding her face, until I suggested she show off her colouring skills ;-)

Result :-)

Another weekend is here already, yippee, I can hear all my fellow blippers shouting :-)
Enjoy it!

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