Gilded Cage

As H was in the spare room Alf decided he wanted to sleep with me. This is fine apart from two things..
1) Alf is very wriggly
2) When Alf has a temperature he has very vivid dreams, and maybe watching Fury was not the best idea last night.

It's ok though as I always thought sleep was overrated.

Today things are slightly better. Alf is still rubbish but he is eating and drinking and his temperature is now normal. H is also still rubbish but has managed half a slice of toast and a little telly so I'm really hopeful that she has turned a corner. Poppy is now worse and although she claims to be ok, she is coughing an alarming amount.

In other news you may  recall me mentioning there is fallen gravestone at the bottom of the garden, it sticks into the river a bit and we worry when the water is so high we can't see it. I was down there earlier looking for a blip and noticed that in the last flooding some of the bank has come away revealing 2 more big lumps of stone. It also looks like there might be some steps down to the stones... Very exciting, Poppy and I are going to conduct an extensive dig there in the summer, watch out time team!

As for the blip, well I found that in the garden. Any idea what it is? (don't worry I already know). The extra is a close crop.

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