Taffy was a Welshman

Ces i fy rhoi'r llyfr hwn - 'Little Jack Horner and Other Nursery Rhymes' - gan modryb pan ro'n i' dwy flwydd oed.  Un o'r rhigymau oedd "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief".  Felly ces i fy nhyfu gyda'r syniad yr oedd y 'Welsh' yn bobl wahanol, oedd yn byw rhywle arall.  A nid ni. A dweud y gwir ro'n i'n eithaf twp, do'n i ddim digon chwilfrydig i ofyn mwy. Mae'n rhyfedd sut gall un peth bach yn gwneud gwahaniaeth mawr pan dych chi'n ifanc.

I was given this book - 'Little Jack Horner and Other Nursery Rhymes' - by an aunt when I was' two years old. One of the rhymes was "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a theif". So I was grew with the idea that the 'Welsh' were different people, who lived elsewhere. And not us. Actually I was pretty stupid, I was not curious enough to ask more. It's funny how one little thing can make a big difference when you are young.

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