
Muppet: A person who is ignorant and generally has no idea about anything.

One hundred and thirty six cars were involved in a pile-up on the foggy northbound carriageway of the E11 at Jebel Ali this morning. And, in the best tradition of driving in the UAE, rubberneckers on the southbound carriageway smashed into each other in four separate accidents.

The majority of these were people travelling too fast. My pet hate is people using hazard waring lights while driving. No idea if they are a muppet or actually stopped.

The UK highway Code Rule 116 states:
Hazard warning lights may be used when your vehicle is stationary, to warn that it is temporarily obstructing traffic. Never use them as an excuse for dangerous or illegal parking.
You MUST NOT use hazard warning lights while driving or being towed unless you are on a motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway and you need to warn drivers behind you of a hazard or obstruction ahead. Only use them for long enough to ensure that your warning has been observed.

I managed to stop, put on my hazards and waited for the impact. Luckly two cars stopped behind me before the third piled into the back of them.

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