We remember

Today is 5 years since the devastating Christchurch earthquake.

It is a tough day for many, just another day for others. I took some time alone in silence to remember my friend Rhys who was killed in the CTV building. Times that by 185 people who died, countless others injured and traumatised. Get over it doesn't come close.

Still the seismic sequence continues. There are no guarantees we will or won't feel another big quake in our life time.

A local preschool decorated this road cones and the others around it, and put the sign on the fence.

It made me smile and gives me hope we'll rebuild a caring community and help those who need it most.

Tonight I celebrate my young cousin's 21st. Life goes on complete with with its griefs, trials, celebrations and joys.

Thank you for yesterday's stars and hearts for the kea blip. I was surprised by the beautiful colour scheme.

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