
By Bom

Meet the Ancestors

Today's Mono Monday challenge is ANCESTORS, thanks to MrsLinda for hosting. These are some Roman coins I have.  Now, if you're wondering what this has to do with the theme, DNA research has estimated that at least a million men in the UK are descended directly from Romans through their paternal line.  This is looking at only one marker, and the true number is likely to be higher.  Then add women to that, and those related through their maternal line and you've got a reasonable chance of being a descendant of a Roman.  During the time the Romans were here, it is estimated that Roman soldiers accounted for between 4 and 8% of all British men, and they were here for nearly 400 years!

The coins are:
Tetricus I, 270-273 A.D.
Valens, 364-378 A.D.
Constantine I (the Great), 307-337 A.D.
Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270 A.D.
Gallienus, 253-268 A.D.
Victorinus, 268-270 A.D.

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