
By Legodude

Laboratory Of Doom: Episode #15

Warning, this series contains crude humour, gore and is unsuitable for children. Viewer discretion is advised.

The newcomers are introduced

Lt. Polka Dot (panel 5, blonde hair): “Introducing ‘The Monster Fighters’. Given the nature of our foes their assistance will be invaluable”.

Major Quintin Steel (panel 5, white helmet): “Thank-you dearie. Ladies and gentlemen of the police, I am Major Quintin Steel; formerly of the 8th Lego Light Infantry and award winning Barbra Streisand impersonator.
We also have Frank Rock [panel 1], who was hired for his legendary sharp-shooting skills and scruffish good looks.
Next, Ann Lee [panel 2]. She lost her entire family to a werewolf attack, recruited due to her burning hatred of monsters.
Then, Jack McHammer [panel 3]. Nobody knows his real last name, he was rescued from a lair of ghouls where he was being kept as a slave. During that time his right arm was cut off and eaten.
Moving onto our founder, leader and financier, Dr. Rodney Rathbone [panel 4]. Born into a long line of hereditary crusaders against evil, he gathered our little group of waifs and strays together and forged it into the mighty team we are today. He lost his right leg to a vampire many moons ago.
Speaking of losing things, I lost my virginity with the Centaur King. Talk about one night in heaven”.

Office Norris (panel 5, with beard): “…Ok you folks are not quite what I expected. However we’re running out of time. So what do you suggest”?

Major Quintin Steel : “Our advice is to only use a small number of police officers, alongside the fabulous Lt. Polka Dot to take care of any human guards at the enemy facility. We Monster Fighters will of course handle any inhuman characters encountered”.

Click here to start at episode 1

Director's Commentary
A lot of dialogue in this episode, I pondered how to structure it for a long time when I should have been thinking about more important things.

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