
Yn y dosbarth Cymraeg, dyn ni'n dysgu am cynffoneiriau, on'd ydyn ni?
Roedd y dosbarth llawer o hwyl, on'd oedd e?
Ar ôl y dosbarth, sylwais i'r cysgodlun y coed tu allan y drws, on'd do?
Felly, tynnais i lun, on'd do?
Mae hynny'n ddigon cynffoneiriau (on'd ydy e?).

In the Welsh class, we're learning about cynffoneiriau* , aren't we?
The class was a lot of fun, wasn't it?

After the class, I noticed the silhouette of the trees outside the door, didn't I?
So, I took a photograph, didn't I?
That's enough cynffoneiriau (isn't it?)

*cynffoneiriau: tail words or tag questions

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